K230 OpenBLAS Development Guide#



This document mainly introduces K230 OpenBLAS.

Target Audience#

This document (guide) is primarily intended for the following personnel:

  • Technical Support Engineers

  • Software Development Engineers

Abbreviation Definitions#




Open Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms

Revision History#

Document Version

Modification Description




Initial Version

Algorithm Department


1. Introduction to OpenBLAS#

OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS computation library distributed under the BSD license (open-source). BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is an API standard for releasing numerical libraries for basic linear algebra operations (such as vector or matrix multiplication). OpenBLAS is a specific implementation of the BLAS standard. In the SDK, a pre-cross-compiled OpenBLAS library is included (located at the path k230_sdk/src/big/utils/lib/openblas/). Users can directly use this static library to compile their own executable programs.

2. Test Case Compilation#


This section explains how to compile executable programs using the pre-set OpenBLAS static library in the SDK. The SDK includes multiple examples of executable program compilation based on OpenBLAS (located at k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/). This section explains based on these examples.

The directory structure under the path k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/ is as follows:

|-- 1_openblas_level1             # OpenBLAS Example 1
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt            # CMake configuration file for OpenBLAS Example 1
|   `-- openblas_level1.cpp
|-- 2_openblas_level2
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   `-- openblas_level2.cpp
|-- 3_openblas_level3
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   `-- openblas_level3.cpp
|-- 4_fortran_example
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   `-- openblas_fortran.cpp
|-- CMakeLists.txt               # Overall CMake configuration file
|-- build_app.sh                 # Overall compilation script
|-- cmake                        # Default CMake configuration
|   |-- Riscv64.cmake
|   `-- link.lds

First, run the build_app.sh file under the path k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/:


If the following prompt appears in the terminal, it indicates that the executable program has been successfully compiled:

Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /data/zhanglimin/code_kmodel_export_build_inference_k230/k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/out/bin/1_openblas_level1.elf
-- Installing: /data/zhanglimin/code_kmodel_export_build_inference_k230/k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/out/bin/2_openblas_level2.elf
-- Installing: /data/zhanglimin/code_kmodel_export_build_inference_k230/k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/out/bin/3_openblas_level3.elf
-- Installing: /data/zhanglimin/code_kmodel_export_build_inference_k230/k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/out/bin/4_openblas_fortran.elf

Finally, the k230_sdk/src/big/utils/examples/openblas/out/bin folder contains all the compiled elf files:

  • 1_openblas_level1.elf

  • 2_openblas_level2.elf

  • 3_openblas_level3.elf

  • 4_openblas_fortran.elf

3. Test Case Execution Demonstration#

3.1 level_1 Test Case#

Execution method and output example:

msh /sharefs/bin_openblas>./1_openblas_level1.elf
This is the result:
4 7 11 14
This is the reference:
4 7 11 14
{Test PASS}.

3.2 level_2 Test Case#

Execution method and output example:

msh /sharefs/bin_openblas>./2_openblas_level2.elf
This is the result:
20 40 10 20 30 60
This is the reference:
20 40 10 20 30 60
{Test PASS}.

3.3 level_3 Test Case#

Execution method and output example:

msh /sharefs/bin_openblas>./3_openblas_level3.elf
This is the result:
7 10 15 22
This is the reference:
7 10 15 22
{Test PASS}.

3.4 Fortran Interface Test Case#

Execution method and output example:

msh /sharefs/bin_openblas>./4_openblas_fortran.elf
This is matrix A

1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000
This is matrix B

1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000
This is the result:
16.801 18.002 18.003 16.801 15.602 22.803
This is the reference:
16.801 18.002 18.003 16.801 15.602 22.803
{Test PASS}.

4. OpenBLAS Cross Compilation#


Although the SDK includes a pre-cross-compiled OpenBLAS library (located at the path k230_sdk/src/big/utils/lib/openblas/), interested users can also cross-compile OpenBLAS themselves to obtain the OpenBLAS static library adapted to K230.

4.1 Setting Up the OpenBLAS Compilation Environment#

4.1.1 Git Code Download#

First, use git to obtain the OpenBLAS repository. Since OpenBLAS comes from GitHub, slow cloning speed is normal, please be patient:

git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git

OpenBLAS has many versions. Since version 0.3.21 lacks some features compared to the latest branch, we use the current latest commit:

git checkout e9a911fb9f011c886077e68eab81c48817cdb782

4.1.2 Applying Patch Package#


The patch package is located in the SDK at k230_sdk/src/big/rt-smart/userapps/openblas/.

First, create a patch directory in the root directory of OpenBLAS and copy the patch package to the patch directory. The directory structure after placing the folder is shown as follows:

├── appveyor.yml
├── azure-pipelines.yml
├── BACKERS.md
├── benchmark
├── cblas.h
├── common_lapack.h
├── common_level1.h
├── common_level2.h
├── common_level3.h
├── common_linux.h
├── common_loongarch64.h
├── common_macro.h
|-- patch # Patch package for OpenBLAS
| |-- 0001-****.patch
| |-- 0002-****.patch
| |-- 0003-****.patch
| |-- 0009-****.patch
| |-- 0010-****.patch
| |-- 0011-****.patch
├── utest
└── version.h

Execute the following command in the root directory of OpenBLAS to apply the patches:

git am ./patch/*.patch

4.3 OpenBLAS Compilation#

Enter the root directory of OpenBLAS and execute the following command to compile:

# Note: The toolchain path will vary depending on the developer's specific environment, and the path prefix is for reference only.
make TARGET=C908V HOSTCC=gcc BINARY=64 FC=k230_sdk/toolchain/riscv64-linux-musleabi_for_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-musl-gfortran CC=k230_sdk/toolchain/riscv64-linux-musleabi_for_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/riscv64-unknownlinux-musl-gcc NOFORTRAN=0 USE_THREAD=0 LIBPREFIX="./libopenblas" LAPACKE="NO_LAPACKE=0" INTERFACE64=0 NO_STATIC=0 NO_SHARED=1 -Wimplicit-functiondeclaration

After the compilation is complete, install the compiled library to a specified folder. In this example, it is installed in the ./install folder:

# Note: You can modify the installation path according to your needs.
make PREFIX=./install NO_STATIC=0 NO_SHARED=1 install

