K230 SDK Update Guide for nncase Runtime Library#

Explanation of nncase Runtime Library Version Issues#

1. Explanation of kmodel Version#

Since the kmodel does not include the nncase version information, it is impossible to directly determine which version of nncase generated the kmodel. You need to manage version information yourself. Here are two reference methods:

  • Retain the complete compilation project (calibration set, parameter configuration) to facilitate generating the kmodel using any nncase version.

  • Distinguish versions by the name of the kmodel. Example code is as follows:

    with open("test.kmodel", "wb") as f:
    # Replace the above code with the following
    import _nncase
    with open("test_{}.kmodel".format(_nncase.__version__), "wb") as f:

2. Version Incompatibility Issues#

Due to potential incompatibilities between different versions of nncase, the version of the nncase runtime library in the SDK might not match the version of nncase used to compile the kmodel, causing anomalies during inference on the board. Therefore, it is best to check whether the versions match before inference on the board.

Here are two ways to confirm if the version information matches:

  • Check the version correspondence table.

  • Determine the versions by the image name, for example, k230_canmv_sdcard_v1.4_nncase_v2.8.0.img.gz, where v1.4 indicates the SDK version, and v2.8.0 indicates the nncase version. This means SDK-v1.4 can infer kmodel compiled by nncase-v2.8.0. The image can be obtained from the Canaan Developer Community.

3. Solutions for Version Incompatibility Issues#

  1. Align with the SDK version After determining the required nncase version, use pip to install it. Refer to nncase install for details. Then recompile ‘kmodel’.

  2. Align with the nncase version Download the runtime library that matches the nncase version used to compile the kmodel from the nncase release page. For example, “nncase_k230_v2.8.0_runtime.tgz” is the runtime library for nncase-2.8.0. Then follow these steps to update the nncase runtime library version in the SDK:

    #0. Preparation
    git clone https://github.com/kendryte/k230_sdk.git
    cd k230_sdk
    make prepare_sourcecode
    # Ensure the following folder exists after executing the above command
    # src/big/nncase/riscv64/nncase/
    #1. Extract nncase_k230_v2.8.0_runtime.tgz
    tar -xf nncase_k230_v2.8.0_runtime.tgz
    #2. Replace the nncase runtime library
    cp -r nncase_k230_v2.8.0_runtime/* $PATH_TO_K230_SDK/src/big/nncase/riscv64/nncase/
    #3. Check if the nncase runtime library version is correctly updated
    cat $PATH_TO_K230_SDK/src/big/nncase/riscv64/nncase/include/nncase/version.h | grep NNCASE_VERSION
    > #define NNCASE_VERSION "2.8.0"

At this point, the nncase runtime library version in the SDK has been updated to nncase-2.8.0. If you need to switch to another version, download the corresponding runtime library and follow the steps above to update it.


