K230 Fancy POC Introduction#

K230 Fancy POC#


The K230 Fancy POC collection includes projects such as multimodal_chat_robot, meta_human, meta_hand, and finger_reader. This project aims to provide customers with a POC (Proof of Concept) construction process.

Hardware Environment#

  • CanMV-K230-V1.x / CanMV-K230-V2.x / K230-UNSIP-LPx-EVB-V1.x

Source Code Location#

The source code path is located at k230_sdk/src/reference/fancy_poc, with the directory structure as follows:

├── ai_scale
├── build_app.sh
├── cmake
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── face_recognition
├── finger_reader
├── housekeeper
├── meta_hand
├── meta_human
├── multimodal_chat_robot
└── version

Compiling and Running the Program#

a. Self-compiled Board Image#

  • Ensure that you have built the docker container and image according to the K230 SDK official instructions.

  • Navigate to k230_sdk/src/reference/fancy_poc.

  • Execute build_app.sh, which will generate the corresponding large core and small core files in the k230_sdk/src/reference/fancy_poc/k230_bin directory.

  • Select the POC executable file you want to reference from the k230_bin directory and copy it to the development board. (Refer to each POC’s readme for the corresponding executable program).

  • For the kmodel and other binary files required for each POC on the board, refer to the src/download.sh in the POC directory for download and use.

b. Direct Download of Official Board Image#

  1. Ensure that you have built the docker container according to the K230 SDK official instructions.

  2. Download the image from the official resource library.

  3. Prepare the environment:

cd k230_sdk
make prepare_sourcecode # (If previously executed, please ignore)
make mpp
# Execute different commands based on the model of the development board
# If the model is CanMV-K230-V1.x, execute the following command
make CONF=k230_canmv_defconfig prepare_memory
# If the model is CanMV-K230-V2.x, execute the following command
make CONF=k230_canmv_v2_defconfig prepare_memory
# If the model is K230-xxx-xxx-EVB-V1.x, execute the following command
make CONF=k230_evb_defconfig prepare_memory
cd k230_sdk/src/reference/fancy_poc
  • Execute build_app.sh, which will generate the corresponding large core and small core files in the k230_sdk/src/reference/fancy_poc/k230_bin directory.

  • Select the POC executable file you want to reference from the k230_bin directory and copy it to the development board. (Refer to each POC’s readme for the corresponding executable program).

  • For the kmodel and other binary files required for each POC on the board, refer to the src/download.sh in the POC directory for download and use.


