2.8 FPIOA Module API Manual#

1. Overview#

The FPIOA (Pin Multiplexer) module is primarily responsible for configuring the functions of physical pins (PAD). In an SoC, although multiple functions are available, due to the limited number of pins, multiple functions may share the same I/O pin. At this point, each pin can only activate one function at a time, so it is necessary to use IOMUX (i.e., FPIOA) to select the appropriate function.

2. API Introduction#

The FPIOA class is located in the machine module.


from machine import FPIOA

# Instantiate an FPIOA object
fpioa = FPIOA()

# Print the configuration of all pins

# Print detailed configuration of a specified pin

# Print all available configuration pins for a specified function
fpioa.help(FPIOA.IIC0_SDA, func=True)

# Set Pin0 to GPIO0
fpioa.set_function(0, FPIOA.GPIO0)

# Set Pin2 to GPIO2, while configuring other parameters
fpioa.set_function(2, FPIOA.GPIO2, ie=1, oe=1, pu=0, pd=0, st=1, sl=0, ds=7)

# Get the pin currently used by the specified function

# Get the current function of the specified pin


fpioa = FPIOA()



set_function Method#

FPIOA.set_function(pin, func, ie=-1, oe=-1, pu=-1, pd=-1, st=-1, sl=-1, ds=-1)

Set the function of a pin.


  • pin: Pin number, range: [0, 63]

  • func: Function number

  • ie: Input enable, optional parameter

  • oe: Output enable, optional parameter

  • pu: Pull-up enable, optional parameter

  • pd: Pull-down enable, optional parameter

  • st: St enable, optional parameter

  • ds: Drive strength, optional parameter

More detail, See IO configuration instructions

Return Value


get_pin_num Method#


Get the pin currently used by the specified function.


  • func: Function number

Return Value

Returns the pin number, or None if the corresponding function is not found.

get_pin_func Method#


Get the current function of the specified pin.


  • pin: Pin number

Return Value

Returns the current function number of the pin.

help Method#

fpioa.help([number, func=False])

Print pin configuration help information.


  • number: Pin number or function number, optional parameter

  • func: Whether to enable function number query, default is False

Return Value

May be one of the following three:

  1. Configuration information of all pins (if number is not set)

  2. Detailed configuration information of the specified pin (if number is set, func is not set or set to False)

  3. All configurable pin numbers for the specified function (if number is set and func is set to True)

3. Appendix#

3.1 IO configuration instructions#
