3. TCP-Client Example Explanation#

1. Environment Preparation#

To ensure a smooth demonstration of TCP communication, we need to confirm that the following environment is correctly configured:

1.1 Hardware Connection#

  • Ensure that your CanMV development board and computer are connected to the same router or switch via an Ethernet cable to form a local area network.

  • Ensure the router or switch is working properly to guarantee network connection stability.

1.2 Disable Firewall#

  • To avoid the firewall blocking TCP communication, it is recommended to temporarily disable the computer’s firewall.


1.3 Tool Preparation#

1.4 Obtain IP Address#

  • Open the Command Prompt (CMD), enter ipconfig, and query and record the IP address of the computer’s network card for subsequent configuration and testing.


2. Client Code Analysis#

2.1 Import Necessary Libraries#

import network  
import socket  
import time
  • network: Used for network interface operations, such as configuring IP addresses and checking network status.

  • socket: Provides the Socket interface for network communication.

  • time: Provides functions related to time, such as delay (sleep).

2.2 Define Client Function#

def client():  
    # ... (subsequent code)
  • The client function contains the main logic of the TCP client.

2.3 Configure Network Interface#

def network_use_wlan(is_wlan=True):
    if is_wlan:
        sta = network.WLAN(0)
        sta.connect("Canaan", "Canaan314")
        while sta.ifconfig()[0] == '':
        ip = sta.ifconfig()[0]
        return ip
        a = network.LAN()
        if not a.active():
            raise RuntimeError("LAN interface is not active.")
        ip = a.ifconfig()[0]
        return ip

Configure the network interface based on the parameters, as follows:

  1. WLAN Mode:

    • If is_wlan=True, configure the wireless network interface (WLAN) and connect to the Wi-Fi with SSID “Canaan” and password “Canaan314”.

    • Wait and check if a valid IP address is assigned, then return the IP.

  2. LAN Mode:

    • If is_wlan=False, configure the wired network interface (LAN), enable DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address, and return the IP.

2.4 Create Socket#

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  • Create a Socket object using IPv4 (AF_INET) and TCP (SOCK_STREAM) protocol.

2.5 Obtain Server Address and Port#

ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080)  
addr = ai[0][-1]  # Extract address and port
  • Use getaddrinfo to obtain the server’s IP address and port number, and extract the address information.

2.6 Connect to Server#

    print("Connected to server:", addr)  
except Exception as e:  
    print("Connection error:", e)  
  • Try to connect to the server. If the connection fails, print the error message and close the connection.

2.7 Send Data#

for i in range(10):  
    message = "K230 TCP client send test {0} \r\n".format(i)  
    print("Sending:", message)  
  • Send 10 test messages in a loop, using the sendall method to ensure each message is completely sent.

2.8 Close Socket#

print("Client ends connection.")
  • Close the Socket to release resources, indicating the client has ended the connection.

2.9 Complete Code Example#

import network
import socket
import os, time

def network_use_wlan(is_wlan=True):
    if is_wlan:
        sta = network.WLAN(0)
        sta.connect("Canaan", "Canaan314")
        while sta.ifconfig()[0] == '':
        ip = sta.ifconfig()[0]
        return ip
        a = network.LAN()
        if not a.active():
            raise RuntimeError("LAN interface is not active.")
        ip = a.ifconfig()[0]
        return ip

def client():
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080)
    print("Address infos:", ai)
    addr = ai[0][-1]

    print("Connecting to:", addr)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Connection error:", e)

    for i in range(10):
        message = "K230 TCP client send test {0} \r\n".format(i)
        print("Sending:", message)

    print("Connection closed.")


3. Running Results and Operation Instructions#

  1. Open the NetAssist Network Debugging Assistant, configure it as a TCP server, and wait for the connection:

  1. Modify the server’s IP and port number in the code:

ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080)
  1. Run the client code, and NetAssist will display the messages sent by the client:
