12. TOUCH Routine

12. TOUCH Routine#

1. Overview#

The touch module of the K230 is based on the touch framework encapsulated by RT-Smart, supporting operations for single-point and multi-point capacitive touch screens as well as resistive touch screens.

2. Example#

The following example demonstrates how to use the TOUCH module to read touch data.

from machine import TOUCH

# Instantiate TOUCH device 0
tp = TOUCH(0)
# Initialize touch device 0, with coordinates rotated by 90 degrees
# tp = TOUCH(0, 1)

# Get TOUCH data
p = tp.read()

# Output the coordinates and event information of the touch points
# print(p[0].x)
# print(p[0].y)
# print(p[0].event)

3. Code Explanation#

  1. Import the module:

    • Import the TOUCH module.

  2. Instantiate the touch device:

    • Use TOUCH(0) to instantiate touch device 0. If coordinate rotation is needed, use TOUCH(0, 1).

  3. Read touch data:

    • Call tp.read() to get touch data, and the returned data is stored in p.

  4. Output touch information:

    • You can print out the detailed touch data using print(p). The commented-out parts print(p[0].x), print(p[0].y), and print(p[0].event) are used to output the x and y coordinates of the first touch point and the touch event type, respectively.


For specific interfaces of the TOUCH module, please refer to the API documentation