10. TIMER Example

10. TIMER Example#

1. Overview#

The K230 contains 6 Timer hardware modules with a minimum timing period of 1 microsecond. These timers enable precise timing and periodic tasks.

2. Example#

The following example demonstrates how to use the Timer module for timing operations.

from machine import Timer
import time

# Instantiate a software timer
tim = Timer(-1)

# Initialize the timer in one-shot mode with a period of 100ms
tim.init(period=100, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t: print(1))

# Initialize the timer in periodic mode with a frequency of 1Hz
tim.init(freq=1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: print(2))

# Release timer resources

3. Code Explanation#

  1. Instantiate Timer:

    • Create a Timer object, -1 indicates using a software timer.

  2. One-shot Mode Timer:

    • Use tim.init(period=100, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t: print(1)) to initialize the timer with a period of 100 milliseconds. The callback function will output 1 when the timer expires.

  3. Delay:

    • time.sleep(0.2) pauses for 200 milliseconds to ensure the timer callback output can be observed.

  4. Periodic Mode Timer:

    • Use tim.init(freq=1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: print(2)) to initialize the timer with a frequency of 1Hz. The timer triggers the callback every second, outputting 2.

  5. Another Delay:

    • time.sleep(2) pauses for 2 seconds to observe the output of the periodic mode timer.

  6. Release Resources:

    • Call tim.deinit() to release timer resources and stop all timer operations.


For detailed Timer module interfaces, please refer to the API Documentation