3.10 PM Module API Manual#

1. Overview#

The PM module, also known as the Power Management module, is specifically designed to optimize and manage the power consumption of devices. For a detailed description of the PM framework, please refer to the relevant documentation in the SDK (K230_PM Framework Usage Guide.md). In the MicroPython environment, the PM module encapsulates power management functions for both the CPU and KPU.

2. API Introduction#

The PM class is located under the mpp module, which contains two instantiated objects: cpu and kpu, used for managing the power consumption of the central processing unit and the neural network processor, respectively.

2.1 Example#

The following code demonstrates how to use the PM module to get the current CPU frequency, list the supported frequency profiles, and set the CPU frequency:

from mpp import pm

# Get the current CPU frequency
current_freq = pm.cpu.get_freq()

# Get the list of supported CPU frequency profiles
supported_freqs = pm.cpu.list_profiles()

# Set the CPU frequency to a specified profile

2.2 get_freq#


Description: Gets the current frequency of the specified power domain.

Parameters: None

Return Value: Returns the current frequency value of the specified domain.

2.3 list_profiles#


Description: Gets the list of supported frequency profiles for the specified power domain.

Parameters: None

Return Value: Returns a list containing all the supported frequency profiles of the domain.

2.4 set_profile#


Description: Sets the frequency profile index for the specified power domain.


  • index: The frequency profile index to be set.

Return Value: None

This API manual aims to provide developers with a clear and detailed guide to using the PM module, ensuring effective implementation and optimization of power management.

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