13. References#
k230_sdk GitHub: kendryte/k230_sdk: Kendryte K230 SDK (github.com)
k230_sdk Gitee: k230_sdk: K230 SDK (gitee.com)
k230_canmv GitHub: kendryte/k230_canmv (github.com)
k230_canmv Gitee: kendryte/k230_canmv (gitee.com)
k230_docs GitHub: kendryte/k230_docs: Kendryte K230 SDK Docs (github.com)
k230_docs Gitee: k230_docs: Kendryte K230 SDK Docs (gitee.com)
k230_training_scripts: kendryte/K230_training_scripts (github.com)
nncase GitHub: kendryte/nncase: Open deep learning compiler stack for Kendryte AI accelerator ✨ (github.com)
nncase Gitee: nncase: Open deep learning compiler stack for Kendryte AI accelerator (gitee.com)
K230_AI_Demo_Development_Process_Analysis: JayL323/K230_AI_Demo_Development_Process_Analysis: AI algorithm development based on K230 involves the process of porting a pre-trained AI model’s inference workflow from PC to the K230 development board (github.com)
Canaan Technology Developer Community: Canaan Developer Community (canaan-creative.com)
Online Training Platform Tutorial Videos: Canaan Online Training Platform Tutorial - Bilibili Videos (bilibili.com)
AI Cube Tutorial Videos: Canaan AI Cube Tutorial - Bilibili Videos (bilibili.com)
KTS Tutorial Videos: Canaan KTS (K230 Training Scripts) Tutorial - Bilibili Videos (bilibili.com)
MobaXterm Official Website: MobaXterm free Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows (mobatek.net)
Rufus Tool Download: Rufus Tool