5.3 AIBase Module API Manual#
1. Overview#
This manual aims to guide developers in using MicroPython to develop AI Demos by constructing a complete AI inference process, which includes loading models, preprocessing, inference, obtaining model outputs, and post-processing. The module encapsulates the inference process of a single model, wrapping preprocessing, inference, and output retrieval operations within the framework, allowing users to focus only on preprocessing configuration and post-processing when developing AI applications.
2. API Introduction#
2.1 init#
AIBase constructor, initializes AI program to get image resolution and display-related parameters.
from libs.AIBase import AIBase
aibase = AIBase(kmodel_path="**.kmodel", model_input_size=[224,224], rgb888p_size=[1280,720], debug_mode=0)
Parameter Name |
Description |
Input / Output |
Note |
kmodel_path |
kmodel model path |
Input |
Required |
model_input_size |
Model input resolution, list type, including width and height, e.g., [512,512] |
Input |
Required |
rgb888p_size |
AI program input image resolution, list type, including width and height, e.g., [1280,720] |
Input |
Required |
debug_mode |
Debug timing mode, 0 for timing, 1 for no timing, int type |
Input |
Default is 0 |
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
Note |
AIBase |
AIBase instance |
This class is generally inherited by subclasses to write AI Demo classes for different scenarios |
2.2 get_kmodel_inputs_num#
Get the number of inputs for the kmodel.
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
inputs_num |
Number of kmodel inputs |
2.3 get_kmodel_outputs_num#
Get the number of outputs for the kmodel.
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
outputs_num |
Number of kmodel outputs |
2.4 preprocess#
Call the ai2d method defined in the subclass to perform preprocessing. If preprocessing cannot be achieved with ai2d or is not needed, it must be overridden in the subclass.
Parameter Name |
Description |
Input / Output |
Note |
input_np |
Input |
Required |
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
input_tensors |
List of input tensors obtained after ai2d preprocessing |
2.5 inference#
Method to perform inference using kmodel and obtain model outputs.
results = aibase.inference()
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
results |
List of kmodel inference outputs, each output is in |
2.6 postprocess#
Definition of post-processing interface. Since different AI applications require different post-processing steps, this method must be overridden in the subclass.
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
None |
2.7 run#
The complete process of single-model inference, including preprocessing, inference, output retrieval, and post-processing, returning post-processing output for drawing results on Display.
Parameter Name |
Description |
Input / Output |
Note |
input_np |
Input |
Required |
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
None |
2.8 deinit#
AIBase deinitialization method, destroys the kpu instance and releases memory.
Return Value
Return Value |
Description |
None |
3. Example Program#
The AIBase class is generally not used alone. It serves as a parent class for AI Demo application development, providing basic interfaces. Subclasses inherit AIBase and rewrite some methods according to task types to develop specific scenarios. During development, the draw_result method must be defined in the subclass to draw results according to the task.
Below is a face detection example program:
from libs.PipeLine import PipeLine, ScopedTiming
from libs.AIBase import AIBase
from libs.AI2D import Ai2d
import os, sys, gc, time, random, utime
import ujson
from media.media import *
from time import *
import nncase_runtime as nn
import ulab.numpy as np
import image
import aidemo
# Custom face detection class, inheriting from AIBase base class
class FaceDetectionApp(AIBase):
def __init__(self, kmodel_path, model_input_size, anchors, confidence_threshold=0.5, nms_threshold=0.2, rgb888p_size=[224,224], display_size=[1920,1080], debug_mode=0):
super().__init__(kmodel_path, model_input_size, rgb888p_size, debug_mode) # Call the base class constructor
self.kmodel_path = kmodel_path # Model file path
self.model_input_size = model_input_size # Model input resolution
self.confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold # Confidence threshold
self.nms_threshold = nms_threshold # NMS (Non-Maximum Suppression) threshold
self.anchors = anchors # Anchor data for object detection
self.rgb888p_size = [ALIGN_UP(rgb888p_size[0], 16), rgb888p_size[1]] # Sensor image resolution for AI, aligned to 16 for width
self.display_size = [ALIGN_UP(display_size[0], 16), display_size[1]] # Display resolution, aligned to 16 for width
self.debug_mode = debug_mode # Debug mode
self.ai2d = Ai2d(debug_mode) # Instantiate Ai2d for model preprocessing
self.ai2d.set_ai2d_dtype(nn.ai2d_format.NCHW_FMT, nn.ai2d_format.NCHW_FMT, np.uint8, np.uint8) # Set Ai2d input-output format and type
# Configure preprocessing operations, using pad and resize here. Ai2d supports crop/shift/pad/resize/affine. Check /sdcard/app/libs/AI2D.py for details.
def config_preprocess(self, input_image_size=None):
with ScopedTiming("set preprocess config", self.debug_mode > 0): # Timer, activated if debug_mode > 0
ai2d_input_size = input_image_size if input_image_size else self.rgb888p_size # Initialize ai2d preprocessing config, default is sensor size for AI, can be modified by setting input_image_size
top, bottom, left, right = self.get_padding_param() # Get padding parameters
self.ai2d.pad([0, 0, 0, 0, top, bottom, left, right], 0, [104, 117, 123]) # Pad edges
self.ai2d.resize(nn.interp_method.tf_bilinear, nn.interp_mode.half_pixel) # Resize image
self.ai2d.build([1,3,ai2d_input_size[1],ai2d_input_size[0]], [1,3,self.model_input_size[1],self.model_input_size[0]]) # Build preprocessing flow
# Custom post-process for the current task, results is a list of model output arrays, using aidemo's face_det_post_process interface here
def postprocess(self, results):
with ScopedTiming("postprocess", self.debug_mode > 0):
post_ret = aidemo.face_det_post_process(self.confidence_threshold, self.nms_threshold, self.model_input_size[1], self.anchors, self.rgb888p_size, results)
if len(post_ret) == 0:
return post_ret
return post_ret[0]
# Draw detection results on the screen
def draw_result(self, pl, dets):
with ScopedTiming("display_draw", self.debug_mode > 0):
if dets:
pl.osd_img.clear() # Clear OSD image
for det in dets:
# Convert detection box coordinates to display resolution coordinates
x, y, w, h = map(lambda x: int(round(x, 0)), det[:4])
x = x * self.display_size[0] // self.rgb888p_size[0]
y = y * self.display_size[1] // self.rgb888p_size[1]
w = w * self.display_size[0] // self.rgb888p_size[0]
h = h * self.display_size[1] // self.rgb888p_size[1]
pl.osd_img.draw_rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=(255, 255, 0, 255), thickness=2) # Draw rectangle
# Get padding parameters
def get_padding_param(self):
dst_w = self.model_input_size[0] # Model input width
dst_h = self.model_input_size[1] # Model input height
ratio_w = dst_w / self.rgb888p_size[0] # Width scaling ratio
ratio_h = dst_h / self.rgb888p_size[1] # Height scaling ratio
ratio = min(ratio_w, ratio_h) # Choose the smaller scaling ratio
new_w = int(ratio * self.rgb888p_size[0]) # New width
new_h = int(ratio * self.rgb888p_size[1]) # New height
dw = (dst_w - new_w) / 2 # Width difference
dh = (dst_h - new_h) / 2 # Height difference
top = int(round(0))
bottom = int(round(dh * 2 + 0.1))
left = int(round(0))
right = int(round(dw * 2 - 0.1))
return top, bottom, left, right
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Display mode, default is "hdmi", options are "hdmi" and "lcd"
display_mode = "hdmi"
# k230 remains unchanged, k230d can be adjusted to [640,360]
rgb888p_size = [1920, 1080]
if display_mode == "hdmi":
display_size = [1920, 1080]
display_size = [800, 480]
# Set model path and other parameters
kmodel_path = "/sdcard/examples/kmodel/face_detection_320.kmodel"
# Other parameters
confidence_threshold = 0.5
nms_threshold = 0.2
anchor_len = 4200
det_dim = 4
anchors_path = "/sdcard/examples/utils/prior_data_320.bin"
anchors = np.fromfile(anchors_path, dtype=np.float)
anchors = anchors.reshape((anchor_len, det_dim))
# Initialize PipeLine for image processing flow
pl = PipeLine(rgb888p_size=rgb888p_size, display_size=display_size, display_mode=display_mode)
pl.create() # Create PipeLine instance
# Initialize custom face detection instance
face_det = FaceDetectionApp(kmodel_path, model_input_size=[320, 320], anchors=anchors, confidence_threshold=confidence_threshold, nms_threshold=nms_threshold, rgb888p_size=rgb888p_size, display_size=display_size, debug_mode=0)
face_det.config_preprocess() # Configure preprocessing
while True:
os.exitpoint() # Check for exit signal
with ScopedTiming("total", 1):
img = pl.get_frame() # Get current frame data
res = face_det.run(img) # Infer current frame
face_det.draw_result(pl, res) # Draw results
pl.show_image() # Display results
gc.collect() # Garbage collection
except Exception as e:
sys.print_exception(e) # Print exception info
face_det.deinit() # Deinitialize
pl.destroy() # Destroy PipeLine instance
4. Development Tips#
For common data type conversions in development, here are corresponding examples for reference.
Converting Image object to
:import image img.to_rgb888().to_numpy_ref() # Returns an array in HWC layoutConverting
to Image object:import ulab.numpy as np import image img_np = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) img = image.Image(width, height, image.ARGB8888, alloc=image.ALLOC_REF, data=img_np)Converting
to tensor type:import ulab.numpy as np import nncase_runtime as nn img_np = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) tensor = nn.from_numpy(img_np)Converting tensor type to
:import ulab.numpy as np import nncase_runtime as nn img_np = tensor.to_numpy()