2.11 Timer Module API Manual#

1. Overview#

The K230 integrates 6 Timer hardware modules internally, with a minimum timing period of 1 millisecond (ms).

2. API Introduction#

The Timer class is located in the machine module.

2.1 Example Code#

from machine import Timer

# Instantiate a software timer
tim = Timer(-1)

# Configure the timer in one-shot mode with a period of 100 milliseconds, callback function prints 1
tim.init(period=100, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t: print(1))

# Configure the timer in periodic mode with a period of 1000 milliseconds, callback function prints 2
tim.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: print(2))

# Deactivate the timer

2.2 Constructor#

timer = Timer(index, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, freq=-1, period=-1, callback=None, arg=None)


  • index: Timer module number, range is [-1, 5], where -1 represents a software timer.

  • mode: Timer operating mode, can be one-shot or periodic (optional parameter).

  • freq: Timer operating frequency, supports floating-point numbers, unit is Hertz (Hz), this parameter has a higher priority than period (optional parameter).

  • period: Timer operating period, unit is milliseconds (ms) (optional parameter).

  • callback: Timeout callback function, must be set and should have one parameter.

  • arg: Argument for the timeout callback function (optional parameter).

Note: Hardware timers [0-5] are currently unavailable.

2.3 init Method#

Timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, freq=-1, period=-1, callback=None, arg=None)

Initialize timer parameters.


  • mode: Timer operating mode, can be one-shot or periodic (optional parameter).

  • freq: Timer operating frequency, supports floating-point numbers, unit is Hertz (Hz), this parameter has a higher priority than period (optional parameter).

  • period: Timer operating period, unit is milliseconds (ms) (optional parameter).

  • callback: Timeout callback function, must be set and should have one parameter.

  • arg: Argument for the timeout callback function (optional parameter).

Return Value


2.4 deinit Method#


Release timer resources.



Return Value


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